banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

Published this article : banking
services chronicle may 2021 pdf the
country is not headed for a recession. It
has arrived - Remote Helpdesk 1 knows we are there. Besides politics
recession is the major concern of the common man as the summer vacation season
hurdles towards the masses. Winter will
soon be a memory and family thoughts will turn to spring break and anticipation
of summer vacations. The truth is less
Americans than ever before will not be able to take a vacation this year. The
number of people finding themselves
stranded at home during vacation times and holidays have been trending upward
for years now.</p> <p
align=left> <img src=http//
alt=online helpdesk border=0 height=267
width=400>The economy has slowed according to the White House and has
replaced the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan and the genocide in Darfur as the average Americans priority.
Republican nominee John Mc Cain promises
to address the issue as house prices fall fuel and food prices increase home
foreclosures soar the dollar is in free
fall America loses 63000 jobs in February alone - the most in the last
five years and the government now admits January 2008 numbers were also negative and we find ourselves at
an all time high in auto repossessions. The Tennessee Mountain Man wonders
why politicians are always promising to
fix something while running for office that they already had twenty-five years
to correct.Having been a student of business sciences in college a life time of
two ago the Computer Man recognizes that
there must be official definitions of such phenomenon as a recession and a
depression however political correctness
be damned. When your rent and utilities are past due and you your children or
your aging parents are hungry and you
can do little about it you are in a depression. The dirty little secret no one
wants to address is when some are in a
recession many are of necessity in a depression.For way too long our
elderly have had to choose between medicine and food and of having to pay a portion of their utilities
one month and paying their rent the next while children must eat two meals a
day at school or go hungry.Although it
is disheartening to watch the wealthy republican establishment decry the less financially secure people of the
world who make their life style possible it was a positive sign when the newly
minted worlds wealthiest man Billionaire
Warren Buffett recently said the U.S. economy is essentially in a recession
even if it hasnt met the technical
definition of one yet. Perhaps he knows because Kirby vacuum cleaners are
harder to move these days and those who want
one cant qualify for the financing and those like the Tennessee Mountain
Man who use his gecko insurance can barely keep it from lapsing.Most folk of Buffetts stature those
simply suffering from the little man
syndrome and the wanna be lose touch with the average American. Even
George W. Bush the President of the United States who has a cabinet and an army of advisors who are
supposed to be in touch with the people and keep him informed recently declared
Im focused on gas prices but unaware of
four dollar a gallon gas.During a recent press conference a reporter asked
President Bush what his advice would be
to the average American who is facing the prospect of four dollar a gallon
gasoline. Bush replied Thats interesting
I hadnt heard that. After all he travels in a 20 car motorcade fueled by the
Secret Service on our dime and when his truck
needs fuel on the ranch they surely dont let him run down to the local convenience
store refuel grab a bucket of chicken and a
cold drink.Thursday March the 6th 2008 fuel hit well over a hundred
dollars a barrel and hit a new all time
high of $109.00 a barrel Tuesday March 11th on its way to two hundred dollars
while the value of American Currency
continues to fall around the world.When we began to get bombarded with SPAM
like this Lowest priced homes
foreclosure deals are everywhere!! Beautiful 3-4-5 bedroom homes in all
areas - starting at $25000 - sometimes with nothing down! hard working Americans - the middle
class - are in serious trouble irrespective of what some condescending snob
wishes to call it.When your lender shows up for his collateral and leaves you
with the parting shot well see what it
brings at auction and then well go from there you know what he means. The
collateral will be sold quickly and
cheaply and then he will be back not with groceries to help you feed
your children nor with money to help you pay your doctor bills and buy medicine but to seize any and
everything else you possess.A real kick in the teeth while you are down. Just
what you need at the moment. A recession
by any definition remains untoward struggle and pain. Ask the suffering - the
lower and middle classes in America.
Where does it end? when you lose your job? when you are in bankruptcy?
when you are homeless?Yes Margaret technicalities notwithstanding the United
States is in a recession. The fed can
cut interest rates until the bank pays us to borrow money and the world bank
can pump all the cash it wants to into the
system but in reality it is not going to get better for the majority of
us any time soon. Technicalities dont get hungry... technicalities dont become
delinquent...technicalities dont worry about sky rocketing medical bills...
technicalities dont have to worry about
obscene burial costs... technicalities dont get sick... technicalities
dont lose jobs or take cuts in pay... technicalities dont hurt... technicalities dont get depressed. banking
services chronicle may 2021 pdf
banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf