competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no  22 A humorous look into the not so secret inner workings of the female mind, good for a laugh. Even though if you ask a woman if she is a typical woman she will say no, chances are if you ask her significant other he will probably say that she has many of the stereotypical traits that men are always making fun of, but confronted with this insight the woman will not only deny this, but will give examples of how she is not like other women. Here, you will be able to examine and appraise some of the more common ways in which women behave in all their dealings with their men. 1) She can and will confront her partner when she feels she has grown in size. But, for him, his reply must always be similar. 2) She will talk against her own kin. But, under no circumstances can he indulge himself in such behaviour as well. 3) Women also enjoy bashing their significant others family, and if he does not agree then he is blind and stupid. 4) If a man makes a mess but does not clean it up he is being lazy, but when the a woman leaves a mess it is ok because she is just tired. 5) She is allowed to claim that if he is annoyed by her behaviour, he can leave. But, he can, under no circumstances, claim the same thing. 6) When he barks out at their kids, he must control himself because she never does the same. In her case, it is their kids who must learn how not to anger her. 7) When a Woman asks her significant other to make her a cup of coffee it is no big deal, and is expected to be done with out a complaint, but if a man asks a woman for a cup of coffee the woman will come back with "I am Not Your Slave". 8) When the partner does not respond, the woman shouts and asks him to do so. But when he does, the woman shouts and asks him to shut up. 9) She will raise hell the moment he fails to comply with her important requests. But when he argues on the same lines, she will state that the same moral does not apply because each and every issue is crucial to her. 10) If he goes out and spends cash on something, she will claim that is a spendthrift. But, when she follows suit, the reason is that life is worth living to the fullest. 11) The partner does not know how to say sorry. The woman does, but, it is just that there is never a reason to say it. 12) The partner has got to nurture the relationship. But, on the other hand, the woman is tired and needs her beauty sleep. Closure: Let it not be argued or mentioned that a man is more than a woman because the opposite is the case. Women have more brains, are funnier and have a much better sense of fashion and humane characteristics. All I have done above is pointed out some of our female oddities, and such have not degraded women, but rather empowered them knowledge questions in english buy.

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine

knowledge questions magazine Published this article page no  23  Today’s topic, ladies and gentleman, is: Time. We’re going to talk about time today because I never seem to have enough of it. And I figure that if I dedicate a whole article to the subject of time and stress some of it’s finer points, then perhaps Father Time will show his appreciation by granting me a few extra hours each day. This will allow me to be able to complete a couple more important tasks each day such as hitting the ‘Snooze’ button on my alarm clock at least 15 more times each morning. And speaking of snoozing, there will be none of that during today’s lesson which will begin right now: Time is defined by the The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language as: ‘A nonspatial continuum in which events occur in apparently irreversible succession from the past through the present to the future.’ This definition leads us to the obvious question: If a definition contains 20 word, 5 of which contain 10 or more letters, and it still doesn’t make much sense, isn’t it time to get another dictionary? Of course, dictionaries aren’t the only people who have trouble with time. The ancient Mayans, for example, struggled to understand time for centuries and never got it quite right. One look at their calender clues you in to this fact. The Mayan calender had 18 months, one of which was called ChikChan (short for May), and each month had 20 days. There was even one month, Wayeb, that had only 5 days. As you can imagine, this horribly inaccurate calender made scheduling important events like the Super Bowl next to impossible. It also left them wide open to insults from other ancient civilizations, like the Sumerians for example, who had fairly accurate calenders. The Sumerian calender had 365 days per year and even incorporated a leap year. Sadly, there was no Presidents Day, Martin Luther King Day, or Arbor Day incorporated into the Sumerian calender which is why the Sumerian civilization was eventually wiped out. Such flagrant calender discrimination, even in the Dark Ages, could not be tolerated. Since we have covered all pertinent information available about calenders, I think it’s high time we expand our understanding of time by discussing another mechanism by which we mortals judge the passing of it. But first, does anyone know where the phrase ‘high time’ comes from? Is there such a thing as ‘low time’ knowledge questions in english buy.

knowledge questions magazine


Monday, May 16, 2022

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine Published this article page no  16  What type of person sees the funny side of a joke or gag told by a stand up comedienne, what type of person doubles over with laughter after the punch line of a joke has been delivered? What kind of person is more prone to giggle when watching someone play the fool? Well the answer to that is simple? A person one who wants to laugh. Laughter represents happiness. Celebration parties will always include some form of entertainment - whether it is in the form of a musical band - solo singer or magician etc. But the most popular performer of all invited along to entertain is a stand up comedienne and the reason for that is because they can accommodate their act to suit the mood. Stand up comics have a mission to accomplish each time they perform their act and that is to make people laugh with their funny jokes - some funny folk amuse party guests in other ways with hilarious foolish antics or silly mime games. Depending on the event or occasion the comedy performance may be structured around the parties theme e.g. a child`s party may have characters like a clown or if it is an all male wild stag night gathering - then expect the stand up comedienne to deliver the goods in the way of naughty blue jokes. Jokes and gags come clean or dirty - this is your party therefore the choice of entertainment is entirely up to you. The best thing for you to do if you are to host an event which involves a stand up comedienne - is to do a little research, check out what you feel will go down well with your party guests.  An atmosphere where laughter holds a strong presence tells you that the party is definitely a success. Sometimes it is the host that takes on the role as the funny performer (stand up comedienne) if this is your intention then ask a few close friends for help in rounding up a few party gags - by doing this you have guaranteed laughs because those who shared their jokes with you will always find them funny. Stand up comedienne jokes and gag material can be found online. If you are finding it a struggle to get your act together then why not listen to or watch a video on stand up comediennes to gather tips. Online entertainment sites provide all you need to know on funny folk, so if you are gagging for a good joke then go online. Another good idea is to practice acting out your stage show in the mirror - this is a great way to make sure you look the part and that part is the star attraction at the event  mahendra master in current affairs pdf buy.

mahendras monthly magazine