banking services chronicle site

services chronicle site published this article Theres our commander in chief. Hell lead us to
victory. By the way what is victory in Iraq Disarmament Regime change Capture
and try Saddam Hussein Freedom and stability for Iraq Create a viable democracy
Hold elections Bring peace to the Middle East Protect Israel Defeat alQaeda
Build military bases Protect the oil fields Win the midterm congressional
elections Victory is all any or some of the above. It depends on the Bushevik
talking points of the week. These last couple of weeks have been grueling for
Bush. Hes been on the road to Latin American and Asia and our leader hates to
travel. He has to eat all that furn food listen to furn languages stay up past
his 8 p.m. bedtime and pretend hes interested. In Korea tens of thousands of
demonstrators took to the streets to protest Bush and his war. The totalitarian
Chinese government doesnt permit such public displays but the Chinese people
are deadset against the American aggression in Iraq. In fact everywhere on the
planet save among a dwindling number of Americans and the Bushevik cheerleaders
in Congress people are opposed to the war in Iraq and want a speedy U.S.
withdrawal. We lost any remote hope of pacifying Iraq when the horrors of the
torture of detainees at Abu Ghraib prison were revealed. The torture policies
forever alienated the Iraqi people and assured popular support for Islamist
extremists and insurgents and their violent campaigns. Now we learn Iraqs new
police force has been systematically torturing prisoners and even carrying out
nonjudicial executions. The brutality occurred right under the noses of
American military commanders. British reports describe the Shiitedominated
police using torture on captured Sunnis further inflaming the sectarian
violence unleashed after the U.S. invasion. ABC News reports two former Iraqi
detainees were repeatedly tortured by U.S. forces trying to squeeze out
information about Saddam and his nonexistent weapons of mass destruction. This
new revelation comes as Bush and Cheney continue to resist a Senate defense
spending authorization that includes a notorture provision. Adding to the Iraqi
resistance and international outrage over U.S. behavior the Pentagon admits
after repeatedly denying it that white phosphorus was used as a weapon during
the U.S. assault on Fallujah the insurgent stronghold in the summer of 2004.
RAI the Italian television network recently produced a disturbing documentary
The Hidden Massacre the story of the use of the chemical weapon on the people
of Fallujah. The video of the corpses burned to the bone and eyewitness
accounts of the suffering are difficult to see and hear. First denying the
reports of the use of white phosphorus Condoleezza Rices State Department then
admitted the chemical had been used in artillery shells over Fallujah for
illumination purposes. But in the face of the documented evidence of civilian
casualties a Pentagon spokesman Lt. Col. Barry Venable finally admitted It was
used as an incendiary against enemy combatants. Venable told the BBC that earlier
statements were based on poor information. Ill say. Among the changing reasons
for the war Bush Cheney and Rice repeatedly warned us that Saddam had chemical
and biological weapons and someday he would use them on another nation or
provide them to terrorists. Rice loved to remind us Saddam had used chemicals
on his own people. Fallujah has been pretty much destroyed its 300000 residents
displaced and in despair. The bodies of many of their loved ones are charred
beyond recognition with chemical weapons. These people want us to leave their
country. George W. Bush and Dick Cheney want us to stay until they declare
victory. We have already lost the war in Iraq and we also may have lost our
national soul there. banking
services chronicle site