banking services chronicle test series
banking services chronicle test series Published this article page no Most Americans are enthusiastic supporters of their own civic rights but few bother to meet any wouldbe democrats or any wouldbe republicans if you prefer numberone responsibility that of keeping oneself sufficiently literate and well informed to be able to vote rationally and knowledgeably. Mountains of toolong ignored evidence show that the vast majority of our nations citizens cannot possibly meet that responsibility that their functional literacies are so limited that our form of government cant accurately be called a democracy. The word rather is ochlocracy government based on the uninformed passions and whims of the mob. In 1988 the United States Congress mandated a massive study on adult literacy in America. Some of the nations most highly esteemed testing and evaluation specialists fanned out across the country interviewing and testing literally thousands of citizens young and old rich and poor educated and not. The result published in 1993 as Adult Literacy in America showed that at least 96 percent of Americas adults were unlikely to be able to perform tasks that one might think preposterously simple. Specifically the study showed that only tiny percentages of us can dependably do such things as 1 read and demonstrate basic comprehension of a 1page juror information sheet 2 peruse and explain essential elements presented on a 1page printed table such as one might receive at a school board meeting or 3 explain how to solve a simple consumer arithmetic problem. Subsequent studies such as the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development s Literacy in the Information Age published in 2000 tend to confirm the general impression one is left with after a close reading of Adult Literacy in America that we as a people simply dont have the kinds of tool knowledge and basic skills necessary to sustain any democracy worthy of the name. In other words as citizens the vast majority of Americans are functionally illiterate. If you dont use it you lose it the saying goes and thats a major reason weve come to this sorry pass were too busy doing other things to keep our minds from atrophying and one of those other things overshadows all the rest as our most villainous time thief. Lets do a little arithmetic. From the 24hour day we all start with well subtract seven hours for the abbreviated nights sleep that most of us get. Our workdays may be eight hours in theory but they often go longer and then theres the commute workrelated errands etc. banking services chronicle test series
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