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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  Published this article page no 53 The overall aim is to make teaching a highly rewarding career choice that attracts talent to serve the children in Cincinnati Public Schools.Superintendent Rosa Blackwell expresses her feelings about the Teacher Advancement Program in this way:  “I am extremely excited about this pilot program, which is closely aligned with other instructional initiatives in Cincinnati Public Schools.  Research shows that quality teaching is the most important factor in raising student achievement, and this program is designed to enhance teaching by directing instructional resources where they are most needed – in the heart of the classroom.The Ohio Board of Education as well as the Cincinnati Federation of Teachers both endorse the Teacher Advancement Program.   Cincinnati Federation of Teachers president, Sue Taylor, comments, “This is a reform initiative that brings together in a structural way the work that our teachers already are doing.  Its a value – added model that will monitor a students progress from the first day of class to the last and will measure the value that the teacher has added.   TAP complements the instructional strategies being implemented in our schools, giving teachers a cohesive and aligned structure Shine india monthly magazine  buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

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