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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine

Competition Refresher Magazine Published this article page no 44 article 340 f the indian cnstitutin lays dwn cnditins fr the appintment f a cmmissin t investigate the cnditins f backward classes. mandate f the cmmissin  examining the extent f inequitable distributin f benefits f reservatin (i.e. 27% reservatin in jbs and educatin) amng the castes r cmmunities with reference t the central bc list. wrk ut the mechanism criteria nrms and parameters in a scientific apprach fr sub categrizatin f bcs. the cmmissin has prpsed t divide bcs int fur subcategries numbered 1 2 3 and 4 and split the 27% int 2 6 9 and 10% respectively. accrding t the ncbc 11 statesuts (andhra pradesh telangana puducherry karnataka haryana jharkhand west bengal bihar maharashtra rajasthan and tamil nadu) have subcategrized bc fr reservatins in stategvernmentwned institutins. natinal cmmissin fr backward classes (ncbc) the ncbc was set up as a statutry bdy under the ncbc act 1993. 102nd cnstitutinal amendment act made it a cnstitutinal bdy as per article 338b f the cnstitutin. key functins perfrmed by the panel  in the case f grievances related t nnimplementatin f reservatins ecnmic grievances vilence etc Competition Refresher Magazine buy.

Competition Refresher Magazine

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