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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

junior science refresher

junior science refresher 

junior science refresher Published this article page no  134 Rise in average age of marriage: According to government data from 2019, the average age to marry for women is 22.1 years. This figure has gradually risen over the years, which shows that the change is voluntary. The change has taken place largely as the education rate among women has improved. Rising education yet falling economic participation of women: The rise in enrolment in higher education and particularly that of women has been a feature over the last two decades. The age of marriage for women at 18, therefore, has not been a debilitating factor. However, this rise in educated women has not resulted in rise in female labour force participation. o Therefore, the proposed legislation may not address the social and cultural patriarchal norms that hinder women empowerment. Not a solution for child marriage: Even with the legal age of marriage for women being kept at 18 years, child marriages continue in India and a decrease in such marriages has not been because of the existing law but because of increase in girls education and employment opportunities. o It is therefore argued that instead of legally increasing the minimum marital age, the root cause of child marriage, like poverty & lack of education, should be addressed in order to bring about a value change in society. Safest age for pregnancy: Mortality experienced by the cohort aged 20 years to 24 years (roughly those marrying at ages 18 years and higher) is by far the lowest of all age groups junior science refresher buy. 

junior science refresher 

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